          Why good Chinese can be good any thing? Because Chinese man is neutral of good, therefore, he always demand the good to be better, that Chinese said "Zhi.Yu.Zhi.Sun"; Chinese woman is neutral of evil, therefore, she can always know the evil deserve a right of evil life as long as that evil can have that best strength to stay inside "Inn" site.T 系統傢俱hat how you need to tell US law maker to make law to demand all Chinese linked Bank like Golden Bank, Metro Bank, if they want to hire anyone to service Chinese customer(s), that anyone must have to be born in Taiwan and speak Mandarin only. Because born in Mainla 燒烤nd China is not only rooted failed Capitalism but also failed good Chinese traditional words; born in Hong Kong must have to be controlled slaved by slavery linked Cantonese, no way to have any free mind to help USA to be better. That how One China must be Republic of China; because sid 找房子ing with China Communist (They only honestly struggle in living in Today [Why it sounding kind like Bible teaching? Because China Communist formed rooted those Chinese who have nothing to do with read and write, or have nothing to do with sell and buy; therefore, they can rely on Natural wild to get life l 禮服ike all natural wild animals can that how Jesus Christ could have fed those thousands followers in the wild; that how Jesus Christ showed his mad at those sell and buy on any church site; that how "Chin" Dynasty must finished entire China Dynasty time, because "Chin" dynasty failed to keep China Dynasty best tradition to 膠原蛋白 do the duty to kill anyone who committed the crime of selling and buying.], "Bean.Lie.John.Down" "Sway.Lie.Tool.Yan", cannot afford to have any spare time to think about tomorrow; that how they abandoned their well thoughful Chinese good traditional words. ) as One China, must mean to kill the rest of Capitalism, must mean the entire world must have 保濕面膜 no Dollar bill, no Bank, no commercials. That how you should do whatever it takes to keep your Chinese blood pure Chinese.That may explain how come Chinese prefer "Hate.Goods.Liang. Bi.Shower.Zi"; so that they can rely on the time to tell that Chinese woman is indeed a Chinese woman instead of white trash (Because White Trash is worse than real Black woman; because 小額信貸Black Woman belongs "Ten.作孽.Yo.Curse.Way", therefore, she can have right to blame her "Young.Phone.Inn.Way. 7.Shot.Mon[day].Sun. Dow.Sin.Knee.10. Sun.Jean.Ten.Liang" to the God; White Trash is "自作孽.Boot.Curse.Whore", she tool her cold cold hard shameless to kiss the ass of rich and famous, powerful and forceful that most invisible way in order to get path and stick for her su 室內裝潢cking personal gain and gang, must be killed immediately.) ; so that no matter that Chinese man is real Chinese man or "Lie of Good", can be good enough to be a mankind. White woman is "Inn" race "Inn" form, is "Lie of Evil"; "Lie of Evil" is worse than real evil, just like "Lie of evil Chinese"/"Phony Evil Chinese" is worse than real Evil Chinese. That h 裝潢ow real White woman always hide behind her husband, her brother, or her dad. Any White woman sees her husband, her brother, her dad figure like nothing, must be white trash.  That how White woman must not be allowed to have kid, because she has no way like Chinese woman does to look up her son. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店兼職  .

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